@inproceedings{lobacheva2021periodic, author = {Ekaterina Lobacheva and Maxim Kodryan and Nadezhda Chirkova and Andrey Malinin and Dmitry Vetrov}, booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems}, editor = {M. Ranzato and A. Beygelzimer and Y. Dauphin and P.S. Liang and J. Wortman Vaughan}, pages = {21545--21556}, publisher = {Curran Associates, Inc.}, title = {On the Periodic Behavior of Neural Network Training with Batch Normalization and Weight Decay}, url = {https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper_files/paper/2021/file/b433da1b32b5ca96c0ba7fcb9edba97d-Paper.pdf}, volume = {34}, year = {2021} }